Join the WLIAfrica Network.

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Sign Up and take the Opportunity

Don't miss out on the opportunity to advance your career and connect with like-minded professionals in the insurance industry. By signing up for WLIAfrica, you'll have access to mentorship, leadership development programs, networking events, and a supportive community committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry.

Take the first step towards achieving your career goals and join WLIAfrica today.

Become a Member

Be an Inspiration, Be a Guide, Become a mentor

Are you a successful woman in the insurance industry looking to make a meaningful impact on the lives of other women? Join our platform and become a mentor today, inspiring and guiding the next generation of female leaders in the industry. Your expertise and guidance can make a world of difference, so sign up now and help shape the future of insurance.

Become a Mentor
become a mentor
become a mentor

Be an Inspiration, Be a Guide, Become an Ally

Join us in becoming an ally for female professionals in the insurance industry. As a man, you have the power to inspire and guide women to leadership positions and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Be a part of the change by signing up as an ally on WLIAfrica.

Become an Ally

Become a Sponsor and Support Women's Leadership in the Insurance Industry

As a sponsor, you can support and empower female professionals in the insurance industry to achieve their career goals, and drive innovation and growth in the industry. Your investment in WLIAfrica will not only make a positive impact on society but also bring tremendous value to your business. Join us in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry and be a champion for change.

Become a Patron
become a Patron

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

WLIAfrica is a premium networking and leadership development platform for mid-career female professionals working in the fields of insurance, risk management, sustainability and ESG.

WLIAfrica is for mid-career female professionals working in the fields of insurance, risk management, sustainability and ESG who are looking to advance their careers and become C-suite executives and board members.

WLIAfrica provides members with access to mentorship opportunities, leadership development programs, and networking events, all designed to help women in insurance rise to leadership positions within their organizations.

WLIAfrica provides members with access to mentorship opportunities, leadership development programs, and networking events, all designed to help women in insurance rise to leadership positions within their organizations. By joining our platform, you'll have the tools and support you need to achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

WLIAfrica offers a variety of networking opportunities, including virtual and in-person events, online forums, and private communities, all designed to help members build relationships and expand their professional networks.

By joining WLIAfrica, you'll have access to a supportive community of like-minded professionals, mentorship opportunities, leadership development programs, and networking events. Our platform is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in the industry, and we believe that by empowering women, we can drive innovation and growth in the industry, while making a positive impact on society.

WLIAfrica offers a range of membership options to fit your needs and budget. Visit our membership page for more information.

To become a member of WLIAfrica, simply visit our membership page and choose the membership option that best fits your needs.

While our platform is specifically designed for mid-career female professionals working in the insurance industry, we welcome anyone who is interested in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the industry to join our community.

Join WLIAfrica

Register now to be a part of the Women Leadership in Insurance Africa (WLIAfrica) Network

WLIAfrica aims to create an inclusive space for its members to build relationships which are meaningful, impactful, long-lasting, mutually beneficial and impactful.

Become a Member